Our School
Las Palmas is a K-6 grade school located in the heart of Patterson, CA. We serve close to 700 students with a staff of 34 teachers. We have a mixed population with the large majority being Hispanic/Latino and White. Our school is currently 48% English Learners and 84% Low Socioeconomic Status. We are a member of the No Excuses University Network where the focus is to be college and career ready. Our school motto is "Character is Our Preparation, College is our Destination! "
At Las Palmas we are committed to helping each student recognize their greatness so they can achieve their full potential. This means each child without excuse will experience academic success. We are committed to searching tirelessly for the spark that will ignite in each child a love for learning so that they will come to view themselves as scholars, people who are destined for higher educations.
Our goal is that each child experience academic success and progress by meeting their greatest potential. Whether that means they learn to read, move up one proficiency level, or maintain their advanced status, each child will learn and move forward.
Vision Statement
Ensure excellence in education and cultivate healthy, contributing citizens!
Mission Statement
The Las Palmas Community believes that we have a collective responsibility to develop and maintain a positive, safe and unlimited learning environment.
"The children we teach are limited only when we choose to limit ourselves."
-Debbie Miller
Goal Statement
That each child experiences academic success and progress by meeting their greatest potential. Whether that means they learn to read, move up one proficiency level, or maintain their advanced status, each child will learn and move forward.
Commitment Statement
At Las Palmas we are committed to helping each student recognize their greatness so they can achieve their full potential. This means each child, without excuse, will experience academic success. We are committed to searching tirelessly for the spark that will ignite in each child a love for learning so that they will come to view themselves as scholars, people who are destined for higher education.